Munich, 7. July 2018 10:30 to 18:30

100 years of ‘Freistaat Bayern / Free State of Bavaria’ – we celebrate

In the picturesque village of Aying southeast of Munich, in the heart of upper Bavaria, the regional group Munich gets a guided tour in English of the private Ayinger brewery. After a lunch break in the Bräustüberl – hopefully outside in its beergarden – we go on an easy hike around Aying (again, hopefully). 

The Ayinger Privatbrauerei has been known for more than 140 years for its excellent beer specialties and is one of the most renowned breweries in Europe, having won several international prizes. It has been run for seven generations by the Inselkammer family and its forebears.

There are many villages in Bavaria with great Wirtshaeuser, rustic cooking and good beer, Catholic (often baroque) churches, and wonderful rolling landscape. In that respect Aying is typical, but not exceptional. What makes it unique is the way the brewery Gasthof dominates the whole village. The beergarden is the village square. If you get in the mood for confessing your sins you can do so right opposite from the beergarden in the St. Andreas church.

