Oberschöneweide, Berlin, 13. April 2019 11:00 to 0:00

Schöneweide counts as one of the industrial incubators and as a forward-looking technological metropolis at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century. Under contract from AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft) leading architects designed modern industrial buildings, in which cables, transformers and batteries were produced, followed by cars and amplifiers. After World War II it became the center of the East German energy industry. 25.000 people were employed in five large plants. Today the University of Applied Science Berlin (HTW) has moved into a part of the former cable works. But, generally, this area has to re-invent itself, and that is a remarkable and fascinating process, too. The ‚Industriesalon‘, a visitors‘ centre, provides background information – by means of exhibitions and professional tours, covering both the authentic heritage sites and the demands of a future ‚smart‘ city.

The tour will be held in english.

Contact: fk-berlin@daad-alumni.de
