Munich, 20. June 2019 9:00 to 20:30

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On the catholic holiday Fronleichnam DAADians from Munich meet members of the regional groups  Erlangen-Nuremberg and Regensburg in beautiful historic Passau. For the first time three Bavarian RGs  get together in the only place in the world where three rivers coming from three different directions flow together.

After a guided tour and lunch break we embark on a boat trip down the Danube to Obernzell (former summer residence of the Passau bishops).

Before each group returns home we have some time to explore the city on our own.

15 places for Munich DAADians

Passau‘s history is quite grand: It was part of the Roman Empire for more than 400 years, became an episcopal seat in 739 AD and was an independent prince bishopric for over 600 years. In 1802 secularization put an end to Passau’s independence and it became a part of Bavaria in 1805.

The setting of the Old Town, created by Italian baroque masters in the 17th century after a huge fire, shows soaring towers, picturesque squares, enchanting promenades and romantic lanes. It has been a university seat since 1622.

For all its picturesque charm – Passau is considered one of the most beautiful and spectacular German cities on the Danube -,  the city looks back on challenging times: Fires weren’t its only problem, but serveral times Passau faced horrific floods, the worst of the last 500 years happening in 2013. During the Third Reich concentration camp outposts were located there. Since after WWII this small city has been the destination of various ‚waves‘ of refugees due to its location near the Austrian border.

(adapted from Wikipedia and

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