Online, 5. November 2021 19:00 to 0:00

Dear all!
The next “Heidelberg Talks Online” (HTO) meeting takes place on Friday, November 5, 7-
9 pm CET (GMT/UTC + 1).
Topic: Trapped in the Arctic ice: the MOSAiC expedition, research in the epicenter of global
Speaker: Luisa von Albedyll, PhD student in polar research at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven/Germany and crew member of the icebreaker Polarstern during the MOSAiC expedition.

Please register via Mail with Mr. Henning Belle:

And check out this website for previous HTO events.

All the best,

Henning Belle

DAAD-Freundeskreis (DAAD alumni club), Bonn – Regionalgruppe Rhein-Neckar, Heidelberg
Contact: fk-rhein-neckar(at)


