Munich, 9. January 2018 19:00 to 0:00

At our January get-together we will have a guest speaker: talent coach Marie-Louise Schäfer, a leading local member of the Toenissteiner Kreis, who has a varied international background. Do you consider staying on in Germany after you finish your degree? From her you will get country-specific insights for your career, and you will learn about some rules and unwritten understandings which will be helpful when you look or apply for a job.

We also welcome Dr. Martin Roetting, in charge of international affairs (including KAAD, DAAD’s sister organization) at LMU-KHG, who will introduce our host Katholische Hochschulgemeinde KHG. LMU-KHG has for many years supported us generously by letting us use their nice and well-equipped cafeteria for our get-togethers – for free.

