Our New Website is Online
We’ve made it: the DAAD Alumni & Friends’ new homepage is now online. This project shows how we can achieve a great deal together. The relaunch was only possible due to hundreds of hours of voluntary work, excellent cooperation with agencies and the generous support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Our sincere thanks to you all!
After about one year of preparation, we are pleased to present our new website. In future, we will take a more attractive, structured and responsive approach to informing you about activities such as our host family programme and the city excursion programme. We announce events for the whole of Germany in our calendar and on our homepage. Also, our regional groups and their active members present their own individual activities on their own web pages. And we show you how to get involved: for example, by acting as host parents or sponsors, or by opening the doors of your company to DAAD scholarship holders and alumni.
It is wonderful to experience how much can be achieved together. That is the spirit that drives our Association. Our website now shows this to the outside world! We look forward to many new faces! And to people who wish to get involved and share international exchange.
Dr. Anneka Esch-van Kan
If it were not for the voluntary support of our active members, who are themselves current or former DAAD scholarship holders, this new website would not have been possible. In particular, we thank Anneka Esch-van Kan (head of the website project team) and Cornelia Racké (Second Vice Chairperson). They are largely responsible for designing, developing and populating the website – in cooperation with the DAAD Alumni & Friends’ office, the DAAD and the agencies involved.
And we need you, too. If we are to continue to develop and improve the website, we are in urgent need of support. Good teamwork is necessary to keep the website up-to-date and attractive: our thanks to all active members and regional groups for maintaining their sub-sites, announcing dates and publishing interesting reports. If anyone would like to do more, the website project team is always pleased to welcome newcomers. And, of course, we welcome your feedback, suggestions and criticism. Write to us at freundeskreisdaad.de. We look forward to your input!