Munich, 14. June 2018 to 16. June 2018 19:00 to 0:00


International und Interdisciplinary Conference ‘Narrating and Constructing the Beach’

The beach confronts us with crucial issues of our times: migration, postcolonial relations and mass tourism, climate change and pollution as well as gender and burkini swimwear controversies are among the numerous conflicts, discourses, and practices that find their focal point there. The international and interdisciplinary conference examines how the experience of the beach and its complex imaginaries are constructed through art, society, and culture. It aims at a systematic analysis of the global varieties of the beach, viewed as a (border) phenomenon in its own right, at once in historical depth and in relation to contemporary debates.

DAAD fellows Ines Ghalleb and Jeannot Ekobe, co-organisers of the conference, invite the regional group Munich to participate in this free event.

The conference takes place at the Amerikahaus Munich and is held in conjunction with Bayerische Amerika-Akademie and the Amerikahaus.

