Zoom, 26.01.2021 18:00 bis 0:00


Exchange enhances research. In cooperation with DAAD Alumni and Friends the in­ter­na­tio­nal office of TU Dort­mund and the graduate center of FH Dort­mund invite in­ter­na­tio­nal researchers to a festive kick-off event. All researchers interested in networking beyond regional or disciplinary confines are welcome to join.

The event will be held in English and for the first time via Zoom.

We will reflect upon the last year but even more so give great outlooks onto what is coming. We would like to engage in dialogue and excite positive life viability and impulses for the future of international cooperation. Be part of it!

Please register online at: https://international.tu-dortmund.de/internationale-forschende/veranstaltungen/exkursionen-und-events-fuer-forschende/registrierung-empfang/
