Munich, 21. February 2018 18:00 to 0:00


After our successful symposium last year, which evaluated “100 days of Trump”,  we are happy to present another event intended primarily for DAAD alumni in Munich, this time hosted by Prof. Dr. Claus Köhler and his law firm Meister Rechtsanwälte.

Compliance is an issue at the forefront of public interest and awareness. The VW diesel and LIBOR affairs and several cartels have scandalized  the public, shareholders, and politicians.

Our event focusses on “Compliance – ausgewählte Fragen aus der Unternehmens- und Beratungspraxis” (selected aspects concerning companies and consulting practice). Which requirements does compliance pose for companies? Does compliance safeguard companies and their values, or is it an obstacle or burden?

We are looking forward to an interesting presentation and lively discussion followed by a reception.


