Potsdam, Berlin, Wittenberg, 18. November 2017 8:20 to 19:30

Lutherstadt Wittenberg

The Regional Group Potsdam invites DAAD-fellows and alumni to travel to Wittenberg on Saturday, November 18th.

Accompanied by people born in Witttenberg we will explore the city, visit Luther House and the Castle Church and climb the tower of the cathedral. We will have lunch at a restaurant and go on a time journey to the year 1517 in the Asisi-360° Panorama.

Meeting Point:  Berlin Main Train Station.  Please arrive on time! I will carry a DAAD-sign. We will return at 5.30pm or 7.30pm.

Fees:  Each participating DAAD-fellow pays 7 €. Please bring the money in coins and also bring your student ID.  Lunch at the restaurant is NOT included.

Registration: via e-mail to fk-potsdamdaad-alumni.de. You will receive a confirmation with further details.

Important Note: The registration is binding! Participants who register (I will send confirmation e-mails) and who then do not show up without reasonable excuse, will be exluded from future events.
