Online, 07.06.2021 19:00 bis 0:00

Dear scholars, dear alumni,  

This time organized and moderated by Dr. Richard Schubert, we welcome Dr. Markela Stamati, policy officer and team leader in DG ENERGY of the European Comission and DAAD alumna, who will give a talk on the topic

Energy aspects of the European Green Deal

  • What is the European Green Deal? The European Green Deal is about improving the well-being of people. Making Europe climate-neutral and protecting our natural habitat will be good for people, planet and economy. No one will be left behind.
  • The presentation will focus on the energy aspects of the European Green Deal and upcoming initiatives of the Commission.
  • Aspects of the energy related projects in relation to the economic recovery of Member States after the pandemic will also be addressed.

Markela Stamati is a trained lawyer, with studies in Greece (main studies in Athens Law University, 1997-2001) and in Germany (master and PhD in the Freie Universitaet Berlin, graduated 2007). On her professional background, she has been active as a lawyer in law firms in Berlin and Athens specialising on energy law matters before joining the legal department of ENTSO-E Secretariat (European network of Transmission Network Operators for Electricity) in Brussels in October 2012, first as a senior legal advisor and then as a deputy to the legal counsel.

Since 2017, Ms Stamati is a policy officer in DG ENERGY working on various files of the electricity energy markets, while from 1 March 2021 she is leading a team on Member States outreach in Unit A1, Interinstitutional and Member States. As part of her tasks, she is the DG ENER coordinator for all issues related to Greece.

There will be a discussion after the talk, continuing informally also on the platform, which we will use again after the positive experience we made last time.

The first part of the event in Zoom is expected to end around 8.15 pm (we plan 30 min of talk and 30 min of subsequent discussion).

(The event in Zoom will be in English.)

Kind regards,

Stefan Junne, Günter Kipfmüller, Orsolya Szender

DAAD Freundeskreis in Berlin
